Diary of a mad homeowner

The trials and tribulations of fixing up a house filled with character but not much else

AnimalsFamily animalsFamily animalsTreesVideo

Jack, Nina and birds

VIDEO: Jack, Nina and Birds

I found this in a long-forgotten thumb drive. This was the first year at Sandy Lane when there were big trees in the back yard and I still fed birds. The trees are gone, Jack and Nina are gone and I don’t feed birds because bird seed brings mice.

These two were not outdoor cats. They’d sit on the deck with me and perch in windows watching the world go by. On the rare occasion they got out they roamed the yard like novices, out in the open and afraid of nothing. Once Nina got over the fence and I found her in the neighbor’s yard. She seemed proud of herself. Nina was really just an alley cat in a $600 fur coat and Jack was crammed with so much personality he could only carry it with him for 11 short years.

Jack and Nina were quite the pair and I miss them most of all the cats that graced my life. I wanted to share this.

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