Diary of a mad homeowner

The trials and tribulations of fixing up a house filled with character but not much else

AnnoyancesBad contractorsOpinion

What I require from contractors

This list is by no means inclusive but this has been my experience so far. Maybe by making this list I’ll do a better job of verbalizing what I expect. I thought it was obvious and self-evident but apparently it’s not.

Here’s the list:

  • If the job is too big, tell me. If you don’t like the materials I’m using, tell me. If you get into the job and find you don’t want to fulfill our contract, tell me. I won’t be offended. Chances are I’m thinking the same thing.
  • Don’t purchase things that are not on your proposal and don’t assume what type of door handle I want for my closets.
  • Ask about measurements when you’re taking away or adding something whether it’s how much space is in between closet shelving or how large of a pad goes under the woodstove. Ask, ask, ask.
  • If we’ve agreed to something and you don’t do it, please don’t play dumb. I’m not dumb.
  • Bring your own ashtray or let me know if you need a butt bucket for your cigarettes. The area around my house can be dangerous during dry weather.
  • I will provide you a trashcan for your trash and clean-up.
  • Be aware of your surroundings. If you knock over the butt bucket that means I have to clean it up. That pisses me off.
  • Don’t dump leftover mortar or unused product on my property. Cart it out or put it in the trash can provided.
  • If you have to deliver something bring something to cover my floors.
  • Put your materials outside in the woodshed. Try not to leave your tools around my house. I understand if you’re coming back tomorrow it’s easier to leave them here but after a month, I charge rent for storage. I live here. Your tools aren’t part of my décor.
  • Don’t prop doors open. I have cats. I also have foxes and coyotes.
  • Don’t use a table saw right by my front door. That dust gets tracked in my house and then I have more to clean.
  • I can take things like cardboard and small buckets of lightweight waste and recyclables to the transfer station. You need to cart out the big stuff.
  • I need an accurate record of what you’ve been paid and what you’re spending. I need check numbers and amounts listed on the bill. The bill needs to be the first document I was presented, not a fresh bill each time you ask for money. I need to see those check numbers.
  • If I hire you for a job, I expect the job to be done in the prescribed amount of time. It’s disheartening when you start the job then come up and load up your equipment and go do someone else’s job, leaving mine undone.
  • Think safety, safety, safety. This is a mountain home surrounded by trees and trees burn pretty fast. Sparks, cigarettes and chemicals are the enemy up here.
  • Don’t clean your equipment next to my car. Things like paint are hard to get off a car’s finish.
  • Put things back where you got them.
  • If there’s a problem, bring it to my attention.
  • If you break something such blowing all my GFIs, tell me so I can get it fixed.
  • Don’t tear down other contractor’s work. I know more about what went on than you do.
  • Know that if you’re in my house, I trust your judgment because if I don’t trust you, you won’t set foot in the door.
  • Thank you for your expertise, it’s why I hired you and why we’ll have a long-term relationship.

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