Diary of a mad homeowner

The trials and tribulations of fixing up a house filled with character but not much else


More trees down

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Two trees near the driveway decided to die.

I put out the word out on local social media to try and find a good tree guy since my guy isn’t allowed on the property anymore. I got a response and called the guy. He came out even though it was a really windy day and took down three trees: two by the driveway and one up by the house.

We talked it over and the deal was he’d drop the trees and take the slash. When the trees hit the driveway, the needles fell off and hey, no more slash.

I cut up the dead tree tops and put them in the cans. I was running out of sticks to start fires in the woodstove so it comes as a bonus.

The tree guy thought the trees had pine beetle. They needles were pink and he found lots of pine needle bore holes in the bark. The woodpeckers had been giving the tree a run for its money, too. According to him, another sign of pine beetle.

Now I don’t have to worry about those trees falling down across the driveway during a windstorm. I’ll burn the wood from the trees this coming winter. The tree guy made $100.

I don’t know if he’ll be back, though. Just not a good vibe.

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